if.they.in |
the.darkness |
*.the.together, |
they.differ |
regarding.their. |
e.u.6m |
p.kake |
m.pe.snau |
se.4obe |
e.nou. |
. |
mutualities |
not. |
When |
*.is-made.habitually.the.light |
to-come, |
then |
erhu |
an |
6otan |
e.r.4a.p.ouoein |
ei |
tote |
Gk |
Gk |
. |
he-who.sees |
forth |
he.shall.see |
*.the.light, |
and |
pet.na |
bol |
3.na.nau |
e.p.ouoein |
auw |
. |
he-who.is-made |
*.blind |
*.he.shall.remain |
in |
the-darkness. |
pet.o |
b.blle |
e.3.na.2w |
6m |
p.kake |
60. (While) a blind (person) and one who sees are both in the dark, they do not differ from one another. When the light comes, then he who sees shall behold the light and he who is blinded shall remain in the darkness.
60. (Mientras) están en la oscuridad un ciego con un vidente, no se distinguen entre sí. Cuando venga la claridad, entonces el vidente verá la luz y el que ha sido cegado quedará en las tinieblas.
1Till's Coptic text: w-till-11.gif & w-till-12.gif.