covering |
at.first |
how |
is.the.God | |
6obs |
n.4orp |
pws |
ere.p.noute |
r.dioikei |
Gk |
. |
*.the.creation. |
* |
yet |
viz. |
the.curtain |
n.t.ktisis |
e.3.4a.pw6 |
de |
n2i |
p.katape |
Gk |
P080-Gk |
. |
and |
*.those-of |
the.part |
*.within |
revealed |
tas[ma] |
auw | | |
n.6oun |
ouwn6 |
. |
forth, |
were[3].they.going-to.abandon |
yet |
* |
behind.them, |
ebol] |
(nere) |
de |
m.peei.hei |
nsw.ou |
Gk |
. |
*.it.being-made |
*.deserted, |
moreover |
yet |
were[4] |
e.3.o] |
n.erhmos |
mallon |
de |
(nere) |
P262.6-Gk |
Gk |
Gk |
. |
*.it. |
The.abstract.Divinity |
yet |
all.of-it |
it.did[5].flee |
lue |
m]mo.3 |
t.mnt.noute |
de |
thr.s |
s.a.pwt |
Gk |
. |
from |
in |
these.places |
within |
not |
*.those-holy |
ebol |
6]n | |
e6oun |
an | |
. |
of.those.holy, |
was[6] |
to-unite |
for |
not |
with |
the.Light |]uaab |
(nere) |
tw6 |
gar |
an |
mn |
p.ou |
Gk |
. |
*.nor.unite |
with |
the.Fullness |
*.not. |
oein |]tw6 |
m[n] |
p.plhrwma | |
P080-Gk |
. |
flawed. |
But-rather |
under |
the.wings |
of.the†cross |
4ta |
all]a |
(nere)[4w]pe |
6a |
n.tn6 |
m.p.sros |
Gk |
. |
and |
in |
its.arms. |
auw |
6a |
ne]3.2boei |
137. The veil (of the Temple) indeed at first concealed how God governs the creation. Yet (once) the veil was torn and the things within were revealed, then this house was to be forsaken (and) desolate, yet moreover to be destroyed. Yet the entire Divinity was to depart from these places not within the holies of the holies, for (the Divinity) was not able (there) to unite with the Light nor unite with the flawless fullness. But rather it was to be under the wings of the cross [and in] its arms.
137. El velo (del Templo) en verdad al principio ocultaba cómo Dios gobierna la creación. Pero (una vez que) el velo se rasgó y las cosas del interior se revelaron, entonces esta casa iba a quedar abandonada (y) desolada, e incluso destruida. Pues la Divinidad entera iba a apartarse de estos lugares no dentro de los santos de las santidades, pues (la Divinidad) no podía (allí) juntarse con la Luz ni juntarse con la plenitud sin defecto. Sino que iba a quedar bajo las alas de la cruz [y en] sus brazos.
1Till's Coptic text: w-till-30.gif.
2The fact that nere. is the Durative-Imperfect tense (i.e. duration complete; P194) shows that this logion must have been composed after the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD; the subsequent verbs in (I-Future; P209) should therefore properly be (Future-Imperfect, i.e. future from the standpoint of the past; P214).
3Sic, read; see Note 2.
5The fact that this is an inverted I-Perfect tense (i.e. Instantaneous Past Action; P200) once again indicates that the logion was composed after the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD.
6Sic, read; see Note 2.
8Feminine; hence refers to t.mnt.noute, the Divinity.