who.times.to-us.the.previous |
this.manner |
were.they.calling |
stolos |
et.6i.tn.ne.6h |
teei.6e |
ne.u.mou |
. |
(*.him) |
: |
Yeshua |
the.Nazirite |
Messiah, |
which |
te |
(mmo.3) |
`e |
ihs |
p.nazwraios |
messias |
ete |
Aram |
P080-Heb |
Heb |
. |
this |
is |
Yeshua |
the.Nazirite |
the.Christ. |
The.last |
paei |
pe |
ihs |
p.nazwraios |
pe.xs |
p.6ae |
Aram |
P080-Heb |
P080-Gk |
. |
*.name |
is |
the.Christ, |
the.first |
is |
Yeshua, |
that.in. |
r.ran |
pe |
pe.xs |
p.4orp |
pe |
is |
pet.6n. |
P080-Gk |
Aram |
. |
the.middle |
is |
the.Nazirite[2]. |
Messiah |
t.mhte |
pe |
p.nazarhnos |
messias |
P080-Heb |
Heb |
. |
has.it |
reference |
double: |
both |
the.Anointed |
ounta.3 |
shmasia |
snte |
auw |
pe.xrs |
Gk |
P080-Gk |
. |
and |
him-who.is-measured. |
Yeshua |
in.abstract.Hebrew |
is |
auw |
pet.4hu |
is |
m.mnt.6ebraios |
pe |
Aram |
. |
the.atonement. |
Nazara |
is |
the.truth[3], |
the.Nazirite[4] |
p.swte |
nazara |
te |
t.alhqeia |
p.na |
Heb |
P080-Gk |
P080-Heb |
. |
therefore |
is |
the.true. |
Is |
the.Christ |
zarhnos |
2e |
te |
t.alhqeia |
pe |
p.xs |
P080-Gk |
P080-Gk |
. |
did.they.measure.him, |
the.Nazirite[5] |
with |
Yeshua |
nta.u.4it.3 |
p.nazarhnos |
mn |
is |
P080-Heb |
Aram |
. |
are |
did.they.measure.them. |
ne |
nta.u.4it.ou |
51. The Apostles who preceded us called (him) thus: Yeshúa the Nazirite Messiah—this is Yeshúa the Nazirite Christ. The last name is the Christ, the first is Yeshúa, that in the middle is the Nazirite. ‘Messiah’ has two references: both the anointed and also the measured. ‘Yeshúa’ in Hebrew is the atonement. ‘Nazara’ is the truth, therefore the Nazirite is the true. The Christ is the measured, the Nazirite and Yeshúa are the measurement.
51. Los apóstoles que nos precedieron (le) llamaban así: Yeshúa el Nazirito Mesías—es decir, Yeshúa el Nazirito Cristo. El último nombre es el Cristo, el primero es Yeshúa, el de en medio es el Nazirito. ‘Mesías’ tiene dos significados: tanto el ungido como el medido. ‘Yeshúa’ en hebreo, es la expiación. ‘Nazara’ es la verdad, por eso el Nazirito es el veraz. El Cristo es el medido, el Nazirito y Yeshúa son la medición.
1Till's Coptic text: w-till-10.gif.
3A puzzling etymology. The basic meaning of rzn (nazar) is ‘to separate’, as in Num 6:7; ‘truth’ would be tm) (emet).
4See note 2.