*.those-who.are-dead, |
themselves |
selves.them |
they.are-dead |
n.net.moout |
ntoou |
6w.ou |
se.moout |
. |
and |
*.they.inherit |
*.those-which.are-dead. |
Those-who. |
auw |
e.u.klhronomei |
n.net.moout |
ne |
P368- |
. |
are-made.to-inherit |
*.Him-who.is-living, |
themselves |
they.are-alive |
t.r.klhronomei |
m.pet.on6 |
ntoou |
se.on6 |
. |
and |
they.are-made.to-inherit |
*.Him-who.is-living |
with |
those-which. |
auw |
se.r.klhronomei |
m.pet.on6 |
mn |
net. |
P368- |
. |
are-dead. |
Those-who.are-dead |
habitually-not.they.are-made.to-inherit |
moout |
net.moout |
ma.u.r.klhronomei |
. |
*.anything. |
How? |
for |
he-who.is-dead |
he.shall.inherit. |
l.laau |
pws |
gar |
pet.moout |
3.na.klhrono |
Gk |
Gk |
. |
He-who.is-dead, |
if.he.habitually.inherits |
*. |
mei |
pet.moout |
e.3.4a.klhronomei |
m. |
. |
Him-who.is-living, |
he.shall.die |
not; |
but-rather |
he-who.is-dead |
pet.on6 |
3.na.mou |
an |
alla |
pet.moout |
Gk |
. |
*.he.shall.live |
the(plural).more. |
e.3.na.wn6 |
n.6ouo |
3. Those who inherit the dead are themselves dead, and they inherit the dead. Those who inherit the Living-One are alive, and they inherit both the living and the dead. The dead do not inherit anything. For how will the dead inherit? When the dead inherits the Living-One, he shall not die but rather the dead shall instead live.
3. Quienes heredan lo muerto están muertos ellos mismos y heredan lo muerto. Quienes heredan al Viviente viven ellos mismos, y heredan tanto lo vivo como lo muerto. Los muertos no heredan nada. Pues ¿cómo va a heredar el muerto? Cuando el muerto herede al Viviente, no morirá; sino que el muerto vivirá.
1Till's Coptic text: w-till-01.gif.