93.[1] Not.do!.to-give |
that-which.is.sacred |
to.the.dogs, |
so-that |
mp.r.5 |
pet.ouaab |
n.n.ou6oor |
`ekas |
not!.they.cast.them |
to.the.dungheap. |
Not.do!.to-cast |
*.the. |
(n)n.ou.no`.ou |
e.t.kopria |
mp.r.nou`e |
n.m. |
. |
pearls |
to.the.swine, |
so-that |
* |
not!.they.make.them[2] |
margarit[hs |
n.]n.e4au |
4ina |
`e |
(n)n.ou.aa.3 |
Gk |
Gk |
. |
made.broken-in-pieces. |
[r.]la[kme] |
(Yeshua says:) Give not what is sacred to the dogs, lest they throw
it on the dungheap. Cast not the pearls to the swine, lest they break
(them) in pieces.
93. (Yeshúa dice:) No deis lo sagrado a los perros, para que no lo echen en el estercolero. No arrojéis las perlas a los cerdos, para que no (las) quiebren en pedazos.
2Sic, read ou.