hand, |
they.will.give |
to.him; |
and |
he-who.not.has.to-him, |
the.other. |
2i` |
se.na.5 |
na.3 |
auw |
pete.mn.ta.3 |
p.ke. |
. |
little |
which.has.he, |
they.will.take.it |
from.hand.his. |
4hm |
et.ounta.3 |
se.na.3it.3 |
n.toot.3 |
Yeshua says: Whoever has in his hand, to him shall (more)
be given; and whoever does not have, from him shall be taken the
little which he has.
41. Yeshúa dice: Quien tiene en su mano, a él se le dará (más); y quien no tiene, se le quitará lo poco que tiene.