When |
*.you.habitually.make.the.two |
one, |
you.shall.become |
6otan |
e.tetn.4a.r.p(e).snau |
oua |
tet.na.4w |
Gk |
.. |
the.Sons |
of.the.Mankind; |
and |
if.you.habitually. |
pe |
n.4hre |
m.p.rwme |
auw |
e.tetn.4an. |
.. |
say.it |
: |
Oh.mountain, |
move! |
forth, |
it.shall |
`oo.s |
`e |
p.toou |
pwwne |
ebol |
3.na. |
.. |
be-moved. |
pwwne |
Yeshua says: When you make the two one, you shall become Sons of
Mankind—and when you say to the mountain: ‘Be moved!’,
it shall be moved.
106. Yeshúa dice: Cuando hagáis de los dos uno, os convertiréis en hijos de la humanidad—y cuando digáis a la montaña: «¡Muévete!», se moverá.